What is this Blog About?

For a while now I have been seeking to extend my responsibilities beyond where it stands - to thank the world that has been exceedingly kind to me over the years, add value to it. It was not easy! After some serious deliberation, I chose a competency that is my livelihood, a vocation I am very passionate about and committed to "interacting with people and leveraging group dynamics for individual and group success".

This blog is the result of that aspiration. I have introduced topics and experiences that contribute to Workplace Readiness and Leadership Development. The content is initially a reflection of my view but is aimed to attract diverse views from visitor to the site. The collective content will value add to the site. Businesses & professionals everywhere deserve this!

Who is Deb Dutta?

What is Workplace Readiness & Leadership Development?

What do I need from my blog visitors & subscribers?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Celebrating Success – A Way of Life!

  • I am a huge believer in celebrating success – celebrating accomplishments. After all what is the point of succeeding if we do not have the time, inclination or opportunity to take a moment to celebrate it!
  • I love doing it and its rubbed onto my wife and daughters where the whole family finds every opportunity to celebrate accomplishments. After all, these celebrations give a meaning to the hard work that goes in towards achieving virtually anything – nothing worth doing is really easy
  • Celebrations also set the platform to launch the next target accomplishment. Its very much like trekking up a mountain peak despite all the adversities. Would it not be wonderful to stand on the pinnacle for a while and enjoy the beautiful sights all around that the summit provides you – soak it in .. after all you have earned it. View it, feel exhilarated by it and then set out for the next goal which will provide you with greater accomplishment and a nicer view.
  • In my field sales days I spent years in a software company where the ritual of celebration was taken very seriously. As a rep walked in with a purchase order, he would ring a cow-bell that was suspended in the office lobby – brilliant stroke. All of us reps would ring the bell with joy and pride as we held our purchase orders while everyone around would cheer! This not only made our days but created a deep desire for accomplishment and recognition.
  • I have seen smart organizations use celebration of success as a classical non-monetary tool for employee motivation and retention of top talent. Keeping great people is not about just paying them big bucks – simple acknowledgement of people’s efforts and accomplishment goes a long way… The flip side is quite predictable!
  • My daughters are growing up very aware that their parents not only love them unconditionally but have a lot of pride and respect for all their successes and accomplishments however insignificant they may seem. This is shaping their character, attitude and their bonding with their parents. Employees within organizations are no different.

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